Kiteboarding – Wie Wind und Wellen zu meinem (Reise-)Kompass wurden
Gastbeitrag für VanLove Girls Vollbepackt mit Kite-Material ging es für mich ein paar Monate lang quer durch Europa. Es hat sich gelohnt. In diesem Beitrag erfahrt ihr, wie das Kiten …
Sustainable kiting – Is that possible?
As kiters, we are very closely connected with nature. It offers us water and waves, wind and weather, beaches and meadows. Without nature, kiting would not be possible. Therefore, it …
Kitesurfing as a beginner – Scared of the kite?
I remember exactly how it felt the first time I held a bar in my hands and wanted to get out on the water with the kite: I was super …
Menstrual waste – Challenges for women in a culture of silence
Final paper 1 Introduction As of 2020, women and girls made up 49.6% of the global population (The World Bank, 2021), which indicates that approximately two billion women will be …